上帝谋杀了坏孩子 上帝也爱华美霓裳
——Alexander McQueen
Karl Lagerfeld: “I found his work very interesting and never banal. There was always some attraction to death, his designs were sometimes dehumanized. Who knows, perhaps after flirting with death too often, death attracts you.”——我认为他的作品非常棒,从来都拒绝平庸。而且在这其中你总能看到一种来自死亡的诱惑,他的设计有时候是反人性的。谁又会知道呢,也许当你和死亡调情太久了,死亡就会把你吸引走。
Camilla Belle身着Alexander McQueen2010春装出席电影《2012》洛杉矶首映非常欣赏Alexander McQueen作品的女演员Camilla Belle说: "This is a devastating loss for both the fashion industry and art world. Alexander McQueen's designs were consistently unique and pushed boundaries. I always felt extremely special when wearing his creations, and am deeply saddened that we have lost this artistic genius too soon." ——这是时尚界和艺术界毁灭性的损失。Alexander McQueen的设计一贯都是那么独特,突破既有的规则。每次当我穿着他的作品,我都感觉到无与伦比的特别,现在我沉浸在深深的哀伤里无法自拔,我们太早失去这样一个艺术天才了,太早了……
Victoria Beckham认为时尚界失去了一个真正伟大的天才"Today, the fashion industry has lost a true great. An icon of all time. He made all he touched beautiful and will be desperately missed. My heart is very much with his family and friends at this very sad time."——今天,时尚界失去了一个真正伟大的人,他是永远的Icon。所有经过他的双手的作品都那么美轮美奂,并将永远成为一种缅怀。我的心将和他的家人和朋友在一起度过这一段悲伤的时光。
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