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China's Slowdown Is Killing Its Luxury Market

编辑:阿荣 内容来源: 风尚中国2015-11-26 13:06


周大福珠宝集团近日公布其上半年利润暴跌42%。由于澳门和香港的“需求疲软”和中国经济增速放缓,周大福珠宝集团的利润受到了影响。 周大福珠宝集团拥有2000家中国内地的珠宝零售店及其他一些国家的珠宝零售店。媒体报道显示,在Tiffany获胜的市场,周大福却惨败...



*     Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group, the world's largest publicly traded jewelry chain, reported its first half of the year profit plunged 42 percent.
*     The Hong Kong-based conglomerate has 2,000 jewelry retail outlets in mainland China and a presence in several other countries.
*     Macau Daily Times noted Chow Tai's profit was hurt by "weak demand" in Hong Kong and Macau and an economic slowdown in China.













Many investors are unfamiliar with the Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group, but it is in fact the world's largest publicly traded jewelry chain.

The company reported its first half profit for 2015 plunged 42 percent due to weak demand in Hong Kong and Macau and an economic slowdown, Macau Daily Times noted.

Chow Tai Fook's net income fell to HK$1.56 billion ($201 million) for the six-month period ending in September. In the same period a year ago, the company's net income was HK$2.69 billion. Sales for the six-month period fell 4.1 percent from a year ago to HK$28.1 billion, while same-store sales fell 18 percent in Hong Kong and Macau, but rose 0.1 percent in mainland China.

The company warned investors back in early November that its profits are expected to decline due to the weakness in Hong Kong and Macau, along with an unfavorable sales mix of lower-margin gold products and unrealized hedging losses.


Tiffany & Co.


Tiffany & Co.本周二报告了其第三季度业绩。




Tiffany & Co.

Tiffany同时还公布了一项总销售额和可比店面在日本的销售增长(按汇率中间价): 分别增长34%和24%。


彭博社同时还指出,中国本土品牌在中国消费者的心目中没有“特别好”的品牌信誉(中国消费者更倾向于选择国际奢侈大牌   - 译者注),这也可解释为什么Tiffany取得成功的地区而周大福却被冷落。


Is Tiffany Winning Where Chow Tai Fook Is Failing?

Is Tiffany Winning Where Chow Tai Fook Is Failing?

Tiffany & Co. reported its third quarter results on Tuesday. Commenting on the Asia-Pacific region, the company said that total sales rose 6 percent in the third quarter and comparable store sales rose 2 percent. Total sales and

comparable store sales in the year-to-date period rose 6 percent and 4 percent, respectively.

On a constant-exchange-rate basis, Tiffany said that it saw "healthy sales growth" in China, but sales declined again in Hong Kong and Macau.

Tiffany also announced a total sales and comparable store sales growth in Japan of (FX-neutral) of 34 percent and 24 percent, respectively. According to a report by Bloomberg, Tiffany is "eating Chow Tai Fook's breakfast" as Chinese tourists accounted for a "significant" portion of the growth Tiffany experienced in Japan.

Bloomberg also noted that Chinese goods don't have a "particularly good" reputation among Chinese shoppers, which might also explain why Tiffany is seeing success in a region where Chow Tai Fook "should be cleaning up."


 【风尚中国 编译/阿荣    文章来源:LuxurySociety.com】






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更多关于:   周大福珠宝集团 | 周大福珠宝 | 周大福 | Tiffany   的文章

